Editorial policy
1. The Purpose and Scope of the Journal
The international title of the journal is “Language and Literature: Theory and Practice”.
The aim creation of journal “Тіл және әдебиет: теориясы мен тәжірибесі” / “Язык и литература: теория и практика” / “Language and Literature: Theory and Practice” is to highlight the topical problems of linguistics and literary criticism in the theoretical and applied aspects, as well as to popularize the new achievements of Kazakh and philologists. The applied nature of the journal is reflected in the predominant attention to the various problems of teaching languages (Kazakh, Russian, English, etc.) and literature in schools, colleges and universities, to the problem of intercultural communication and speech communication in general. Therefore, the journal is focused not only on the academic, but also on the teaching communities. The journal has two main sections: “Linguistics and Literary Studies”, “Methods of Teaching Languages and Literature”, as well as an additional section “Chronicle. Events. Personalities."
The languages of publication – Kazakh, Russian, and English.
Articles in the journal undergo double-blind peer review and plagiarism checks. The originality percentage of the article must be at least 70%. The review process takes between 2 to 6 months.
Each author`s article is assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) – a unique identifier in the CrossRef database.
Publication languages: Kazakh, Russian, English
Frequency: 4 times a year
2. Publication Ethics
2.1. The editorial policy of the journal “Тіл және әдебиет: теориясы мен тәжірибесі” / “Язык и литература: теория и практика” / “Language and Literature: Theory and Practice” is guided by the traditional ethical principles of scientific periodicals as outlined in the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE: https://publicationethics.org/).
By submitting an article for publication in the journal, the author guarantees that the submitted article is not under consideration for publication in another scientific journal. The author must properly format all borrowed text, tables, charts, diagrams, and illustrations. The use of other people`s text, reproduction of quotes without proper attribution, alteration of research results, and any form of plagiarism are prohibited. The text`s authenticity must be at least 70%. In the event of plagiarism detection, the editorial office reserves the right to reject the article and refuse the author the submission of another article.
Authors should treat the work of editors and reviewers with respect and understanding and promptly address any identified shortcomings.
2.2. Retraction of Articles
2.2.1. Retraction is the withdrawal of a text (article) from publication, indicating that the publication contains serious flaws or erroneous data that cannot be trusted. The retraction procedure is conducted to prevent cases of duplicate publications (when authors submit the same articles or data (without appropriate citations) to multiple journals), plagiarism, and the concealment of conflicts of interest that could have influenced the interpretation of data or recommendations for their use (COPE. Retraction guidelines. Available from: http://publicationethics.org/files/retraction%20guidelines.pdf).
Data inaccuracies and duplication may result from either misunderstandings, unintentional errors, or deliberate violations.
Reasons and grounds for article retraction:
1) discovery of plagiarism in the publication;
If only a small part of the article (e.g., a few sentences) is plagiarized, editors should consider whether it would be better for readers (and for the author of the work) to make corrections to the article with proper citations to the source, rather than fully retracting the article.
2) duplication of the article in multiple publications;
3) discovery of falsifications or fabrications (e.g., manipulation of experimental data) or significant errors in the interpretation of results;
4) incorrect author list (missing individuals who deserve to be authors; inclusion of individuals who do not meet authorship criteria);
5) concealed conflict of interest (and other violations of publication ethics);
6) republishing an article without the author`s consent.
2.2.2. Procedure for Article Retraction
The reasons for article retraction are a request from the author(s) for retraction of the article and a proposal from the editor-in-chief of the journal.
The decision to retract an article is made by the editorial board of the journal based on a proposal from the editor-in-chief, which includes information about the reason for retraction. The decision is made considering the response from the author, in which the author justifies their position regarding the retraction, provided such a response is received.
If the author(s) deem it necessary to retract the article, they must contact the editorial office, providing a reasoned explanation for their decision. The editorial office responds to the authors and, if there are valid reasons for retraction, will independently carry out the retraction of the article text.
If the editorial office decides to retract the article based on its own review or information received, the author(s) will be informed, and their opinion on the justification for the editor-in-chief`s retraction proposal will be requested. If the author(s) ignore the editorial office`s request the editorial office has the right to proceed with the retraction of the publication without considering the author`s opinion.
2.2.3. Technical Aspects of Article Retraction Correction
The results of the retraction should be reflected in both the printed and electronic versions of the journal, with the article title clearly indicating that the article is retracted. The reasons for the retraction should be listed under the abstract, along with the names of individuals or organizations that initiated the retraction (see: COPE. Retraction guidelines. Available from: http://publicationethics.org/files/retraction%20guidelines.pdf).
In the printed version of the journal, the retraction notice should be reflected in the table of contents, for example, under the heading “Notice of Retraction”. The retraction notice must include a full bibliographic reference to the article in Kazakh, Russian, and English, along with the DOI.
In the electronic version of the journal, the retraction notice should be reflected in the same way as in the printed version. The retracted article is retained in the database and on the journal`s website, with the indication “Article Retracted” at the beginning of the article, as well as the retraction date (the date the retraction notice was published). The fact of the retraction must be reported to all databases where the journal is indexed.
2.3. Duties and Rights of the Editor:
- determines the reviewers for each incoming article that has passed the primary selection for compliance with technical requirements and plagiarism;
- at the editorial meeting, based on the opinion of the reviewers, makes the final decision on the publication / rejection of the received material.
In his/ her decision, the editor-in-chief is guided solely by scientific reasons and compliance with publishing standards. The decision of the editor-in-chief and the editorial board should not depend on the gender, nationality, religion and other personal qualities of the author / group of authors.
2.4. Duties and Rights of Reviewers:
Each manuscript submitted for review is treated as a confidential document. The reviewer cannot use in his or her publications the materials contained in the submitted manuscript for review. The reviewer can send the material to third parties only with the permission of the editor-in-chief.
According to the review policy of the publication, the journal uses the procedure of one-sided “blind” review. The object of review should be the results of the received research, and not the author / group of authors. The expert opinion should not depend on the gender, nationality, religion and other personal qualities of the author / group of authors.
The reviewer must refuse to review the material, notifying the editors about this, if he/she is not an expert on the subject of the material or if he/she has identified a conflict of interest.
2.5. For Authors:
Sending articles to the editor and signing a public offer means that the publication of the submitted article in the journal “Тіл және әдебиет: теориясы мен тәжірибесі” / “Язык и литература: теория и практика” / “Language and Literature: Theory and Practice” does not violate anyone`s copyright. The author (authors) transfers non-exclusive rights to the use of an article to the founder of the journal for an unlimited period by posting full-text online versions of the issues on the journal`s website.
The author (authors) is responsible for the unlawful use of objects of intellectual property, objects of copyright in a scientific article in full in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The author (authors) agrees to check the Work for plagiarism to the publishers of the journal.
3. Procedure for Conducting Article Review
Articles submitted to the editorial office must undergo an initial technical control at the first stage to ensure compliance with the formatting requirements outlined in these Guidelines and the Article Template on the website. In case of non-compliance with the requirements of the journal, the article is rejected. We remind authors that the formatting of the article is the responsibility of the author(s). The editorial office only provides complete information about the required guidelines, a sample article template, and performs a technical review during the first stage of the article evaluation process. If the author(s) fail the initial technical control 3 times, the article is rejected permanently and will not be accepted for re-consideration by the journal.
At the second stage, articles are also required to undergo a check using antiplagiat.com (https://antiplagiat.com), and the originality percentage of the article must be at least 70%.
After passing the initial technical review and plagiarism check, articles are sent for anonymous double-blind peer review.
The process of article evaluation is transparent, and the author has the opportunity to track its progress through their personal account on the journal`s website and communicate with the editorial office via the same platform.
4. Peer Review Process
Articles submitted to the editorial office undergo a double-blind peer review process. The review is confidential for both the reviewers and the authors. The author(s) are informed of the review results through their personal account. Articles that receive a positive evaluation from the reviewers are sent for discussion and approval for publication in the journal`s editorial office. Articles that receive negative reviews are not accepted for reconsideration.
If the reviewer suggests revisions to the article, the author must correct and submit the updated material to the editorial office within three days. Corrected versions of articles and the author`s response to the reviewer are sent to the editorial office through the author`s personal account on the website within the terms specified by the editorial office.
Submitting materials to the editorial office implies the author`s full agreement to have their article published in the journal.
5. Open Access Policy
The journal «Тіл және әдебиет: теориясы мен тәжірибесі» / «Язык и литература: теория и практика» / «Language and Literature: Theory and Practice» is an open access publication. All of its content is freely available to any user, whether it be an individual or an organization (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license).
Readers are permitted to read, download, distribute, copy, print and refer to the full text of all published manuscripts or to use them for any other legitimate purpose without the prior permission of the publisher or author. The author(s) grant the journal publisher free of charge the right to publish the article and make it publicly available on the Internet. Editors follow these rules as required by the Budapest Open Access Initiative (2002).