Guidelines for Authors
- To submit an article for publication, you need to register on the journal`s website
Next, fill in the text fields.
Attach 2 article files in doc/docx format (MS Word):
ATTENTION! The first file should contain the full details of the author(s); name the file by the last name of the author(s). The second file should be anonymous without indicating the author(s) details, name the anonymous file “anonymous article”.
NOTE: The journal does not accept articles with more than 2 authors.
Next, you need to sign a public offer – an agreement about the independent nature of the submitted manuscript, consent to check the article for plagiarism, and grant exclusive rights to the publisher.
Review the filled-in details and click the “Submit” button.
The stages and results of the article review will be reflected in your personal account.
- The article should be no less than 15,000 characters (including spaces) in total, including all article metadata: abstracts, references, author information, etc. Additionally, the volume should not exceed 35,000 characters (including spaces). Works exceeding the specified volume are accepted for publication in exceptional cases upon agreement with the journal`s editorial board.
- The text of the paper begins with the classifier of the IRSTI (International Rubricator of Scientific and Technical Information; determined by the link ), UDC (Universal Decimal Classification), followed by the initials and surname of the author(s) in bold font, the full name of the organization, city, country, author`s ORCID, author(s) email, the title of the article in uppercase bold font, abstract, and keywords. The abstract should consist of 150-200 words, should not contain complex formulas, should not repeat the content and title of the article, should not contain quotations, references to the text of the work, list of sources used. The abstract should be a summary of the results and conclusions of the research.
The article should be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font with one and a half line spacing, 2 cm margins on all sides, and a 1.25 paragraph indent. Examples in the article are highlighted only in italics, without underlining. If necessary to emphasize something within an example, bold font is used. Section headings are highlighted in bold font. Subsections within sections can be numbered with Arabic numerals.
- The structure of a scientific article includes the following sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, information about funding (if applicable), References. Combining the Results and Discussion sections into one “Results and Discussion” section is permissible.
- Tables should be included directly in the text of the paper. They must be numbered, have a title, and be accompanied by a reference to them in the text. Figures and graphs should be presented in one of the standard formats: PS, PDF, TIFF, GIF, JPEG, BMP, PCX. Dot drawings should be done with a resolution of 600 dpi. All details on the figures should be clearly visible.
- References to the sources used are given in the text of the article in round brackets in the following format: (Akhmetov, 2020, p. 23) or (Ibraev, 2018). When listing multiple sources: (Ibraev, 2018; Akhmetov, 2020; Ivanov, 2022). In case of the same publication year of works by one author, the reference is accompanied by a letter symbol: (Ibraev, 2018a), (Ibraev, 2018b).
The list of references should only include works that are cited in the text of the article. The bibliography is arranged in alphabetical order, without numbering. English-language works are placed after works in Kazakh and Russian languages, also in alphabetical order. References to unpublished works, the results of which are used as evidence, are not allowed. The list of references must include at least 4 English-language works from the last 5 years, preferably from the Scopus or Web of Sciences database.
Examples of formatting the list of references are provided in the Article Template on the journal`s website.
*ATTENTION! The editorial board asks authors to distinguish between a hyphen (-) and an en dash (–). The page ranges in the journal or collection, intervals of years, centuries should be formatted using an en dash.
- The list of used sources in Kazakh or Russian (depending on the language of the article) is followed by References, i.e. a combination of transliterated ( and English-language parts of the used literature, which is arranged in accordance with the APA style (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association): (, ( In the combination of English and transliterated part of References it is necessary to indicate the official translation of the article, book in English in square brackets. If the article is written in English, References should be followed by the List of Used Literature in Kazakh and Russian languages, depending on the language of the source used. Authors must strictly adhere to the transliteration specified at Other transliteration systems will not be accepted and articles will be returned. Refer to the Article Formatting Template for an example of the combination of the English and transliterated parts of the list of references.|
This is followed by information about each of the authors (academic title, institutional address, ORCID, e-mail – in Kazakh, Russian, and English languages).
8. For transparency, we ask that corresponding authors specify contributions to the manuscript using the appropriate CRediT roles. The CRediT taxonomy includes 14 different roles describing the specific contributions of each participant to the scientific results.
Roles: Conceptualization; Data Curation; Formal Analysis; Funding Acquisition; Investigation; Methodology; Project Administration; Resources; Software; Supervision; Validation; Visualization; Roles/Writing – Original Draft; and Writing – Review & Editing.
Note that not all roles may apply to every manuscript, and authors may have contributed with multiple roles.
A description of the contributions of co-authors is provided at the end of the article under the heading “Authors` contributions” after “Information about authors”.
9. Procedure for Conducting Article Review
Articles submitted to the editorial office must undergo an initial technical control at the first stage to ensure compliance with the formatting requirements outlined in these Guidelines and the Article Template on the website. In case of non-compliance with the requirements of the journal, the article is rejected. We remind authors that the formatting of the article is the responsibility of the author(s). The editorial office only provides complete information about the required guidelines, a sample article template, and performs a technical review during the first stage of the article evaluation process. If the author(s) fail the initial technical control 3 times, the article is rejected permanently and will not be accepted for re-consideration by the journal.
At the second stage, articles are also required to undergo a check using, and the originality percentage of the article must be at least 70%.
After passing the initial technical review and plagiarism check, articles are sent for anonymous double-blind peer review. The review process takes between 2 to 6 months. The author(s) are informed of the review results through their personal account. Articles that receive negative reviews are not accepted for reconsideration.
Corrected versions of articles and the author`s response to the reviewer are sent to the editorial office through the author`s personal account on the website within the terms specified by the editorial office. Articles with positive reviews are submitted to the Editorial Board for discussion.
The process of article evaluation is transparent, and the author has the opportunity to track its progress through their personal account on the journal`s website and communicate with the editorial office via the same platform.
ATTENTION! The editorial office does not engage in discussions with authors regarding article formatting, content, or publication decisions.