About us
The aim creation of journal “Language and Literature: Theory and Practice” is to highlight the topical problems of linguistics and literary criticism in the theoretical and applied aspects, as well as to popularize the new achievements of Kazakh and philologists. The applied nature of the journal is reflected in the predominant attention to the various problems of teaching languages (Kazakh, Russian, English, etc.) and literature in schools, colleges and universities, to the problem of intercultural communication and speech communication in general. Therefore, the journal is focused not only on the academic, but also on the teaching communities. The journal has two main sections: “Linguistics and Literary Studies”, “Methods of Teaching Languages and Literature”, as well as an additional section “Chronicle. Events. Personalities”. The languages of publication – Kazakh, Russian, and English.
All articles in the journal are subject to double-blind peer review and anti-plagiarism checks; the percentage of originality in the article must be at least 70%. The review process takes from 1 to 3 months.
Each author`s article is necessarily assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) in the CrossRef database.
The journal is indexed in:
the Kazakhstan Citation Database (KazCD) by the “National Center of Science and Technology Evaluation” (NCSTE) JSC. Agreement No. 49 dated August 19, 2021.
since March 16, 2024, the journal has been included in the “List of Journals” recommended by the Science and Higher Education Quality Assurance Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for publishing the main results of scientific research.
The journal is also hosted on:
the international database INDEX COPERNICUS INTERNATIONAL;
the international database EuroPub;
the Scientific Electronic Library ELIBRARY.RU, available in open access. License agreement No. 94-04/2023 dated April 24, 2023.